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A 30-day journey on foot, by camel and 4x4 through the Sultanate of Oman

Jewel of Arabia Expedition 2025 Podcast

Once the expedition begins in January 2025 a series of daily podcast updates from Oman will enable you to follow the progress of the team as they retrace the 1928 journey undertaken by British explorer Bertram Thomas. You’ll also learn more about the incredible natural heritage and biodiversity of Oman, and a series of pre-expedition podcasts will enable you to meet some of the key individuals with great stories to tell about this beautiful country.

Listen to the introduction to the podcast series in this short episode, and explore the full series of podcasts next.

Royal Geographical Society Wahiba Sands Expedition 1986-87

RGS Wahiba Sands Expedition 1986-87 Podcast

Studies of complete sand sea ecosytems are rare. The Sharqiya Sands in Oman is a perfect specimen of a sand sea , and as an isolated unit is a living laboratory of sands old and new, and a rich and diverse flora and fauna. In 1986/87 the sands were the focus of an intensive multidisciplinary study by The Royal Geographical Society, led by Nigel Winser. In this podcast you can hear Nigel speak about some of the key findings, and his hopes for a follow up expedition some 40 years on.

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